How you doin? #famouslines #A2ZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

We have been talking about friends and friendships here…but hey dont blame me..whats life without those great friends…can you blame me though if I go on a lil bit more?

And when talking about can one not talk about F.R.I.E.N.D.S? Yes… So lets talk about them (there are times when I think I know them 6 better than I know myself…is that a lilltle wierd? well who cares?)

So what do I say about them 6…what is there that hasnt been talked about… Be it the goofy joey, the adorably wierd Phoebe, the scarily competitive Monica, the loveable Rachel, Chandler and his one liners and last but not the least the all-heart nerdy Ross… they gave us such wonderful lessons on friendship, on growing up, on taking responsibility for our actions… In short on life!

And while there are so many memorable lines… even catapulating the most neglected words in history like ‘pivot’ to cult status… I have always felt the boys had the best lines. Be it “we were on a break” or “you are over me?” or just pick any of Chandler’s one liner…remember him asking hin about his tan? “was that place the Sun?”

See what I am saying… Friends aint a sitcom.. It never was.. Its an emotion…I think half the time I am talking I am quoting from the series. My favourite quote (quote an obvious one for people who know me) is “Joey doesnt share food” 🙈🙈…ahem…ahem

But then theres that one line which I have never gotten a chance to say.. oh how I would have loved to use it….

So here goes… We are already on week 2…the 8th letter of the challenge and with a super hectic workweek, a troublesome spondyolosis and a 6 year old… this challenge is becoming more challenging than I ever thought… Hows this A2Z going for you??  Or as Joey would say “How you doin’?” 😉😉

6 Replies to “How you doin? #famouslines #A2ZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. Hahaha! So you’re another FRIENDS fan! 😀
    Funnily enough, I have only seen a few episodes of that show. Nope, not even one whole season. I sometimes think I should, but then I know I would get addicted and won’t get anything else done! 😛

    Anyway, sharing my H post here, ‘coz it was about books, so you might enjoy it…
    Find my H post @ 10 Favorite Harry Potter Characters


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