Christie-ing a detective!

My school was a quaint little convent in the middle of a busy city. Being a bookworm, my favourite place in the school was the library. The library wasn’t too big, just three walls full of books, rather small I’d say. My favourite shelfs however were the ones in the extreme left corner which had hordes of Enid Blyton books and the one at the far end of the room, which had Agatha Christie books.

I was an Enid Blyton fangirl. I even wore my hair short, a la George from the Famous Five and imagined that I owned an island too. I must have read and re-read and then re-read all of the famous fives, and had no option but to switch to Agatha Christie (I had devoured all of Sherlock Holmes stories as well by that time)

Wondering, why I am taking you a trip down memory lane? Because it was the birthday of one of my favourite authors yesterday, September 15th!

So without further ado, let’s talk about what Christie would want us to talk about…her detectives!

Miss_Marple_First_ImageI must admid I took time to warm up to her. My first acquaintance with Miss Marple, an elderly spinster with a knack for solving cases wasn’t too exciting. It was only through ‘The Murder at the Vicarage’ which I read later, that I truly fell in love with her. She is a complete gossip, interfering into people’s lives with elan and offering her ‘I-told-you-so-‘ opinion unabashedly which  didn’t really make her a very nice woman, but definitely helped her solve the cases.

Do you think Agatha Christie was a feminist? I’d believe so! To create a character like Miss Marple, who was neither young, nor really like-able and make her take on a man’s job in an era which wasn’t so progressive is brave to say the least.

By the way did you know that Miss Marple was so famous that there is a biography on her life? It has been on my reading list for a while, shall let you know soon how the book was!

Statue of Hercule PoirotA short stout man, with an egg shaped head and upward curled moustache…ring a bell? Ofcourse I am talking about the impeccably dressed Hercule Poirot. ‘The Mysterious Affairs at Styles’, ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ and ‘Death on the Nile’ remain my clear favourites. The Mysterious Affairs… is ofcourse Christie’s first work, wherein she introduces the eccentric Poirot. Apparently Poirot was inspired from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, who was in turn inspired from Edgar Allen Poe’s Auguste Dupin (who I have unfortunately not read). And despite the fact that Hercule Poirot is her most famous detective, like Conan Doyle, Christie also apparently got tired of the egoistic Poirot and found him insufferable! However there is no denying Hercule Poirot was widely loved so much so that when Christie killed him off, the New York Times carried an Obituary….read it here –

Not only was she one of the most successful writers of all times, her personal life was no less than a bestselling book. Do check the movie Agatha by Michael Apted


So Happy Birthday to the Queen of Detective fiction!

More on iconic detectives in the coming weeks!

‘I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter’


63 Replies to “Christie-ing a detective!”

  1. I did not read any Agatha Christie as a child. As an adult however, I enjoyed it immensely. thank you for this little recap and tid-bits about the characters!


  2. Let’s talk more about Enid Blyton though. Because I never got over her and never read Agatga Christie though many asked me too. I was more into fantasy genre of Enid Blyton. Fairies, pixies, brownies, the Faraway Tree, then I moved on to Nancy Drew. So I skipped Hardy Boys, Malory Towers, Secret Seven etc too. Famous Five is all I read apart from the fantasy genre.


  3. This is a lovely series. Yes, am a huge Agatha Christie fan both of Miss Marple and Poirot and I do believe she was a feminist too.

    I haven’t seen the movie though… will check it out. Thanks.


    1. I didnt like the latest orient express one though… Agatha is interesting though it isn’t an approved biography… It basically is the filmmakers interpretation of what might have happened when Christie disappeared for 11 days…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Esha, many of us have grown up on Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie. Both were iconic writers who knew how to engage with the minds of their readers. I love reading their vivid accounts, and their descriptions of places and people. I would love to share this piece on my Facebook timeline, please! Looking forward to your other Detective tales as well. Kudos! 🙂
    #DeepTiesReads #MyFriiendAlexa


  5. O M G Thank you for the post. I’m a die hard Christie fan, especially Miss Marple, she’s simply the best. I’ve read all Marple books and quite a few Poirot ones.


  6. I love Agatha Christie. I read many of her novels in Bengali translation. Those days, many celebrated foreign authors would be translated beautifully in Bengali. I would sit with the book and literally devour it, till it was done.


  7. This is so cool. Made me nostalgic and all. I have already bought Enid Blyton books for my son’s library and he’s only three and doesn’t read them yet!


  8. This segment is WOW! It’s so cool you re-read famous five series multiple times… I wish I could go back and read these books again… now, I am afraid I won’t like them much but I suppose i should give them a try once again.


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